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Research Blog for Group Project
Weeks 1-3
At the beginning of this project my group and I presented our ideas for which prompt we should move forward with and why. After thorough examination we decided to pursue Tish’s idea of explaining internet misinformation. The next step was assigning roles and creating the Gantt chart so that we could get the project done in a timely manner.
(My initial idea)
Then the question of what the characters would look like led us to creating concept art and explaining our now collective idea for our mock client Rachel through a canva presentation. After seeing how different our character designs were we decided to go to pick each one of our characters in The Amazing World of Gumball fashion but they would be under the style of the particular artist. Which would most likely be Tish again because her style resembled Cartoon Network the most.
After the presentation we did the first draft of our storyboard. This helped us greatly knowing the camera angle and the shot type allowed us to start creating background concept art. Tish introduced me to the idea of using a stock image to base your background on to make the perception of the room correct to help Barney create the animatic. Which I am eager to start since I have perception issues and having a point of reference will help me greatly.
Also I have been suggested by my team to start using a tablet instead of a mouse for creating the artwork. Since that is the current practice in a professional atmosphere. So I borrowed a tablet from Andrew and have been watching tutorials about the program Krita. It will take a while to get used to but I am told that it will speed up the process and make my time working with 2D better.
Making Shapes In Krita - The Pen Tool
Krita Tutorial for Beginners 2024 - Getting Started (Lesson 1) 🎨
Krita Tutorial for Beginners - Navigation (Lesson 2) 🎨
Krita Tutorial for Beginners - The Basics of Brushes (Lesson 3) 🎨
Weeks 4-7
On the program Krita I created some props for Poppy’s room and didn’t really enjoy using the application.The layers weren’t created automatically when making a new shape and manipulation of the individual shapes if they were on the same layer was not possible.
(Created in Krita)
So for the rest of the props that were more shape based I created them in Adobe Illustrator.
(Created in Adobe Illustrator)
Also that presentation gave way to some confusion with everyone's roles because Courtney thought that the bed fell into background art instead of prop. Which she thought was one of her roles and not mine. As a team we discussed what category certain objects fell under my control. We also went from a Gantt chart to using Notion as a calendar. I was not the only one confused so we re-identified our roles on that site to differ from any further miscommunication.
In addition to working on the props I found the sound for the animatic. I used the website freesound.org to make our vision as a team come to life. The next task for me was clearly defined in the group chat as creating more props and starting on the websites. The team wanted to play on my strengths of shape based graphics.
As a team our next step will be starting to animate scenes that do not require a rig during the Easter Holiday. Barney will make the updated shot list so that we can identify who wants to animate what. Also Courtney will be rigging the nerd over the break as well.
Over Easter Holiday
Over the break the group divided up who would animate what and I chose to do the first 10 seconds of the piece. Not much can be done currently without the rigs. But I have created the Branch that will be shown right before the influencer spreads her propaganda. The Branch will consist of a pan of a still image.
Week 8-12
When presenting to our mock client Rachel our progress I was instructed to make the posters more dynamic by having them stick to the wall with push pins, frames, and tape. The end result is clearly displayed in the final product.Through the past month many aspects of our post production process have changed. Tish was not able to rig Poppy so we were left with hand drawing. Courtney had the rig for the nerd completed but ultimately didn’t include it in the final animation. This left me feeling unsure as I had not done similar animating with my previous projects. Tish saw me struggling and went ahead and separated all of Poppy’s body parts. So I could animate in a similar manner to the projects I have completed before. Through asking everyone for advice along with Youtube tutorials the end product is cohesive.
How to Animate a Perfect Blink [Scribble Kibble #58]
How to Remove background in AI Illustrator 2023 How to Use the Gradient Tool in Illustrator | Adobe Tutorial
Washi Tape effect on paper - Illustrator Tutorial
I know at the beginning of this project we as a group decided to work in Toon Boom Harmony. As the deadline drew closer everyone went to the program they were comfortable the most in to produce the desired result within the time constraints. So that is why you will find all of my files are within the Adobe Creative Suite.